Helpful or hurtful? A Guide to 32 Common Politicalisms

Helpful or hurtful? A Guide to 32 Common Politicalisms

What are politcalisms?

An -ism is a distinctive practice, system or philosophy, typically a political ideology, a religion or an artistic movement. In today’s world, political words ending in -ism are often used to label people based on their beliefs about government and society. These words, sometimes called “politicalisms” in slang, are common in English-speaking social media and news headlines.  Knowing these common political labels is essential, to understand political news and to express your own views clearly in political discussions.

The image is a wordcloud of the 32 terms that will be defined below.
New politicalisms are created all the time. “Trumpism” and “wokeism” are both new to the English language, for example.

Below is an alphabetical list of 32 common “politicalisms” I often read about and use in discussion with students from around the world. Many of these political terms ending in -ism can also be called ideologies. They are all nouns; each entry also includes related adjectives or personified nouns.

Are politicalisms helpful or hurtful in conversation?

Like the road through the French countryside that appears at the top of this post, politicalisms pull our societies toward the right or the left, while history continues to move us forward. We humans disagree a lot, and sometimes passionately, in political discussions about how we should be governed. In these disagreements, “-ism” words (or their “-ist” versions) can be used as insults to demean someone.

Depending on who uses these words and what they believe, however, any of these “-isms” can be spoken of as positive or negative. Politicalisms are where our societal divisions and our societal hopes live.

32 Common politicalisms defined:

The globally recognized symbol for anarchists. Photo by Christian Thรถni on Unsplash
This A in a circle is the global symbol for anarchists.

1. Anarchism: A philosophy advocating the abolition of the state and all forms of hierarchy, favoring self-managed societies through voluntary cooperation.

  • Related words: anarchy (noun), anarchist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: During the Spanish Civil War, anarchism was influential, especially in Catalonia where anarchist cooperatives organized many aspects of daily life.

2. Authoritarianism: A system with strong central power and limited political freedoms, with little accountability to the public.

  • Related words: authoritarian (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: North Korea exemplifies authoritarianism under Kim Jong-un’s regime.

3. Capitalism: An economic system with private ownership of production and profit-driven markets, with minimal government intervention.

  • Related words: capital (noun), capitalist (personified noun, adj), capitalistic (adj)
  • Example: The United States is a capitalistic society, driven by market competition and profits.

4. Centrism: An ideology seeking a moderate position between left and right, advocating balanced policy-making.

  • Related words: centrist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: France’s President Emmanuel Macron is known to be a centrist.

5. Colonialism: The practice of acquiring control over another country, often through colonization and economic exploitation.

  • Related words: colony (noun), colonist (personified noun), colonial (adj)
  • Example: Colonialism shaped the histories of many African nations through European control.

6. Communism: An ideology advocating a classless society with communal ownership of property and resources.

  • Related words: commune (noun), communal (adj), communist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: China and Vietnam have implemented communism with single-party systems.

7. Conservatism: A philosophy advocating traditional values, limited government, and cautious change.

  • Related words: conservative (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: In uncertain times, many turn to conservatism for stability.

8. Cultural Imperialism: Promoting one society’s culture over another, often leading to cultural dominance.

  • Related term: culturally imperialist (adj)
  • Example: American films and fast food have helped to spread U.S. cultural imperialism.

9. Democratism: An ideology that emphasizes the principles of democracy, where citizens exercise power directly or through elected representatives.

  • Related words: democracy (noun), democrat (personified noun), democratic (adj)
  • Example: Democratism is evident in many Western countries where citizens vote for their leaders and have a say in important governmental decisions.

10. Egalitarianism: Belief in equality for all people in political, social, and economic life.

  • Related words: egalitarian (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Egalitarianism drives policies reducing income inequality and ensuring equal access to education.
Environmentalists want sustainable energy sources, like these wind turbines.
Environmentalists advocate for sustainable energy sources.

11. Environmentalism: A movement to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices.

  • Related words: environment (noun), environmental (adj), environmentalist (personified noun)
  • Example: Sweden is committed to environmentalism, reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy.

12. Expansionism: Advocating for territorial or economic expansion through conquest or dominance.

  • Related words: expansionist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Expansionism has historically led to armed conflicts over territories.

13. Fascism: A far-right, authoritarian ideology with dictatorial power and extreme nationalism.

  • Related words: fascist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Fascism defined Mussolini’s regime in early 20th century Italy.

14. Feminism: Advocating for women’s rights and equality in all aspects of society.

  • Related words: feminist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Feminism is strong in Iceland and Sweden, both known for their gender equality policies.

15. Globalism: Advocating for increased economic and political cooperation among nations.

  • Related words: globalist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Globalism is linked to organizations like the United Nations, promoting international cooperation.

16. Imperialism: Extending power and influence through colonization or military force.

  • Related words: imperialist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: British imperialism in the 19th century shaped many modern nations.

17. Isolationism: Avoiding involvement in the political and economic affairs of other countries.

  • Related words: isolationist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: The U.S. adopted isolationism before World War II.

18. Liberalism: Emphasizing individual freedom, equality, and government intervention to address inequalities.

  • Related words: liberal (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Many countries adopt liberal policies for free speech and market regulation.

19. Libertarianism: Advocating for minimal government intervention and maximum personal freedom.

  • Related words: libertarian (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Libertarianism has a strong U.S. following, promoting reduced regulation.

20. Marxism: A theory by Karl Marx advocating for a classless society and the abolition of private property.

  • Related words: Marxist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Marxism influenced Soviet policies aimed at creating a classless society.

21. Nationalism: Strong identification with one’s nation, often with a belief in its superiority.

  • Related words: nationalist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Nationalism fueled 20th-century independence movements.
Color is not a crime placard.
“Anti-racism” became a common term during US protests in 2020.

22. Neo-colonialism: Continuation of colonial practices in post-colonial countries through indirect cultural and economic control.

  • Related words: neo-colonialist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Neo-colonialism is evident in the economic relationships between Western corporations and Africa.

23. Populism: Appealing to ordinary people against a privileged elite.

  • Related words: populist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Populism has risen recently, challenging traditional political establishments.

24. Progressivism: Advocating for social reform and policies addressing inequality and promoting social justice.

  • Related words: progressive (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Progressivism is evident in Canada’s universal healthcare system.

25. Protectionism: Restricting international trade to protect domestic industries.

  • Related words: protectionist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Protectionism can lead to higher prices for imports but aims to safeguard local jobs.

26. Racism: Belief in racial superiority, leading to discrimination or prejudice. (Since 2020, anti-racism has also become a common politicalism.)

  • Related words: race (noun), racial (adj), racist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Racism remains an issue affecting employment and education in many countries.

27. Secularism: Separating religion from government, ensuring neutrality and equality for all beliefs.

  • Related words: secular (adj), secularist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Secularism is a principle in the constitutions of countries like France and Turkey.

28. Sexism: The belief that one sex is inherently superior to the other, leading to discrimination and prejudice based on gender.

  • Related words: sexist (noun, adj), sexual discrimination (noun)
  • Example: Sexism can be seen in gender pay gaps, where women are often paid less than men for the same work.

29. Socialism: A system where production and distribution are owned or regulated by the community.

  • Related words: social (adj), socialized (adj), socialist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Sweden implements socialist principles with extensive welfare programs.
Red MAGA hat
Trumpists are sometimes also called ‘MAGA.” It’s an abbreviation of this campaign slogan.

30. Totalitarianism: Government control over all aspects of life through propaganda, censorship, and surveillance.

  • Related words: totalitarian (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Stalinist Russia and Maoist China are examples of totalitarian regimes.

31. Trumpism: The political beliefs and policies associated with former U.S. President Donald Trump.

  • Related words: Trumpist (personified noun, adj)
  • Example: Trumpism has reshaped the Republican Party in the USA.

32. Wokeism: Awareness of social injustices and inequalities, often linked to progressive activism.

  • Related words: woke (adj)
  • Example: Wokeism is debated for its focus on political correctness versus addressing injustices.

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Want to practice political discussions in English?

I’m here to help! I’m a global news junkie with experience living under various governments and a Master’s in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. I always enjoy learning about my students’ diverse political views and helping you to express those views clearly in English. If you’d like some practice at having political discussions, book a conversation lesson with me on italki, and let’s chat!